Article Roundup: 2018.12.18

A couple more articles as we gear up for Christmas. As a reminder, all of the articles I’ve saved over the past 4 years are available in my Evernote collection here.

Do You Believe in a Santa Christ? | Nathan W. Bingham | Ligonier Ministries

This post was intriguing. If you think that syncretism is a bygone problem, think again!

In Sinclair Ferguson’s book, In Christ Alone, he shares the sad reality that many Christians have a Christology that is more informed by Santa Claus than Scripture. For them, the message of the incarnation has been so twisted or diluted that they have in fact created for themselves a savior who is nothing more than a Santa Christ.

As you prayerfully read Sinclair Ferguson’s words, ask yourself the following question this Christmas season: “Do I believe in a Santa Christ?”

Romans 7: The Mature Christian’s Struggle | Jordan Standridge | The Cripplegate

I appreciated Standridge’s succinct summary of this passage.

Because Paul’s greatest goal in life is holiness, his greatest desire is Heaven. After walking through the despair of the Christian life, the knowledge of the fact that he will never be fully successful in his quest to put to death the deeds of the flesh, his only solution for it all is to rejoice in the deliverance found in Jesus Christ. (Rom. 7:25)

The Christian’s greatest desire on earth is to be with his Savior in Heaven. Our Savior will wipe away our tears, remove all pain, and will do away with the consequences of sin in our lives. Sin is the root of all problems that we face in this life, and a true Christian can’t wait to be with Christ in perfect holiness.


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