Weekly Roundup: Preaching & Preachers

For this week’s roundup, I dug into my archives and pulled a dozen articles about preaching. There’s something for everyone here: those who listen to preaching, those who want to understood good (and bad) preaching, and those who preach. 

On Listening to Preaching

On Poor Preaching

On Good Preaching

Preaching to Reveal God | Paul David Tripp | Journal of Biblical Counseling

Preaching is a weekly unveiling of God’s glory before those who have a hard time seeing. The purpose of the sermon runs deeper than handling the text properly or even applying it cogently. It runs deeper than expounding doctrines, commands, and principles. The central purpose of every sermon is to reveal God in all the glory of His grace and truth. At the center of this purpose is Christ, who is truth and who is grace. The fire in the belly of every good sermon is a deep desire to make Christ seen, known, and loved.

Tripp, Paul David. A Community of Counselors: The Fruit of Good Preaching. Journal of Biblical Counseling, Winter 2003.


I read, and save, more articles that I’m able to post in the Weekly Roundup. To see all of the articles I’ve saved over the years, see my Evernote collection.

Photo by Carolyn V on Unsplash


Weekly Roundup: Humility


Weekly Roundup: On Reading the Bible