Article Roundup: 2019.01.07

Happy New Year! It’s only been a few days but the year is off to a running start. May God give us grace to be faithful day by day.

What to Do in a Tumultuous 2019 | Eric Davis | The Cripplegate

Let’s admit it: 2018 was a rough year. If you’re looking forward to this year and wondering “How am I going to survive?”, then this article is for you.

This is the message that a tumultuous culture needs to hear. They just need the gospel. And God calls us to speak. He saves people and sends them to speak the good news of Christ crucified and risen in our place, for our sin. It was the same approach in the early church. Culture was chaotic during the days of Acts. And what is the church busy doing? Much of the book of Acts is someone preaching the gospel.

Get a Basic Overview of the Bible | R. C. Sproul | Ligonier Ministries

If you’ve never read through the entire Bible and would like some practical tips and helpful resources, you definitely need to read this article.

As a reminder, all of the articles I’ve saved over the past years are available in my Evernote collection.


Behold Our God by Sovereign Grace Music


{9Marks} On Hospitality and the Gospel