Welcome to my blog!
My name is Keith Fong. By the Lord's grace, I am a Christian; I hold to the historic, Protestant, Reformed faith. For my testimony, please see my post here. Currently, I worship and serve at Lighthouse Community Church in Torrance, CA and blog in my spare time.
Why The Art of Godliness?
The Art of Godliness aims to help Christians grow in true godliness: the knowledge and love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I started blogging in 2009, mainly for my own reflection. Through several different iterations, the site grew from a collection of my own personal thoughts about God and Scripture into its current state now: a more comprehensive set of tools, resources, and media for Christians desiring to live like Christ.
I believe that God blesses us that we might be a blessing, and so I try to write about the things I'm learning in my own Christian walk. I tend to write most about biblical missions, church fundamentals, spiritual disciplines, and Christian books.
I pray that you are blessed by what you read here. I pray that the Lord uses it to encourage you in your faith as He changes you into the image of His glorious Son. Soli Deo Gloria!
“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.” — 2 Peter 1:2-3
You can see all of my social at bio.link/keithresolved. If you'd like to get a hold of me, you can use the form here.