Article Roundup: January 2016, Part 1

Here's the best articles I've read in the first two weeks of 2016.  If you're one of those that follows the Christian blogosphere, you'll notice quite a few of the recent popular articles are missing.  That's intentional; I want to give you the crème de la crème, not fading fads.

So, here we go!

Helps for Doubting Christians by William Boekestein at Ligonier Ministries. 

Boekestein looks at the wonderfully comforting passage in Mark 9, in which the father of the demoniac cries out, "I believe; help my unbelief."  Being at the crossroads between assurance and doubt is not good, but when we inevitably are, we ought not despair.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ by Mike Riccardi at CrippleGate

This was especially pertinent, as my pastor just started preaching through Ephesians.  I alwaysfind it encouraging to find the same truths from different people; there is one Church!

Who Is There to Harm You? by John Piper at DesiringGod

No one has been more helpful to me in understanding suffering from a biblical worldview than John Piper.  I love how he relentlessly drills into 1 Peter 3:13-15, and takes you with him through the gold mine.  I do wish he would have continued to preach more often; I miss it.


Article Roundup: January 2016, Part 2


Article Roundup: December 2015, Part 1