Article Roundup: 2018.11.26

I trust that you had a wonderful thanksgiving, full of thanking the Lord for all His blessings towards us — especially the greatest blessing of Himself.

I’ve only included one article for this week’s roundup, just because I thought it was so appropriate.

As a reminder, all of the articles I’ve saved over the past 4 years are available in my Evernote collection here.

The Theology of Thanksgiving | Rich Gregory | The Master’s Seminary

“I remember as a young child, sitting at the table tormented by the spread laid out before me, yet unable to serve up a full plate. The reason for the delay was our family’s tradition that prior to the Thanksgiving meal, we would go around the table and give reasons why we were thankful. …I remember thinking, “Does anyone around this table think cold stuffing tastes good? Let’s get this done and get to the good part.”

“In my youthful exuberance to fill my plate, I failed to realize the necessary importance of expressing the fullness of my heart.  You see, for the believer who has been redeemed from a life of destruction and transferred to the kingdom of Christ, giving thanks actually is the good part.”


Arrived - Enfield


Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery - Matt Boswell and Boyce College Choir