Article Roundup: 2018.12.10

Just a couple of articles this week: a commencement address from The Souther Baptist Theological Seminary and an article about workaholics.

As a reminder, all of the articles I’ve saved over the past 4 years are available in my Evernote collection here.

For the Earth Shall Be Full of the Knowledge of the Lord as the Waters Cover the Sea | Albert Mohler

This semester’s commencement address for the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. You can watch the address on video here.

Rethinking the Rat Race | Clint Archer | The Cripplegate

Gambling, pornography, cocaine, booze, and most other addictions engender shame associated with weakness or dysfunction. But for some reason, the caffeinated crew of interns at work broadcast their exhaustion with feigned self-deprecating whines of ‘Sorry I’m so spaced today. It’s because I pulled three all-nighters and haven’t had a day off since the iPhone was invented.’


[Holiness, J. C. Ryle] On the Times of His Day


Noteworthy Christian Blogs, Part 2