Article Roundup: 2018.12.24

Merry Christmas! May you have a season full of the grace, truth, and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is not only the reason for the season; He is our Life, our Hope, our Joy — our everything!

Theological Primer: Hypostatic Union | Kevin DeYoung | TGC

This is a short post that gives a excellent introduction into the hypostatic union — in about 500 words. If you can’t define what “hypostatic union” means or if you don’t know what the Chalcedonian Council was, this article is for you!

The Peace We All Long For | Stephen Nichols | Ligonier Ministries

Christmas, from the beginning of time until today.

Because Jesus Christ is the God-man, He can do what all of these other sons could not. He can bring an end to our sin and misery. He can still the storm-tossed seas, as well as the foaming and frothing of strife and conflict. He can bring in the still, calm waters of peace. He can restore us to the garden from which Adam and Eve were expelled. As the poet John Milton declared, Jesus Christ, our Seed, regains the paradise we lost.

Born to Die | The Art of Godliness

A few years ago, I wrote this article on Hebrews 10:5-7, and drew some conclusions on Christmas.

Back to our question: why do we have Christmas? I'm a Christian, and you all know what I'm going to say: "We have Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ."

But if I stopped there, I'd be wrong. To say that we have Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, period, is simply incomplete.

As a reminder, all of the articles I’ve saved over the past years are available in my Evernote collection here.


Hark! The Herald Angels Sing by Enfield


O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer - Sovereign Grace