God, The Uncreated One (King Forevermore) by Keith & Kristen Getty, Tommy Bailey

This song is wonderful for its majestic music and lyrics. I heard it once and immediately liked it.

Sadly, I do have one small criticism. There is one line with a significant theological error. Can you find it?


God the uncreated One
The Author of salvation
Wrote the laws of space and time
And fashioned worlds to His design
The One whom angel hosts revere
Hung the stars like chandeliers
Numbered every grain of sand
Knows the heart of every man

He is King forever
He is King forever
He is King forevermore

God our fortress and our strength
The Rock on which we can depend
Matchless in His majesty
His power and authority
Unshaken by the schemes of man
Never-changing, Great I Am
Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall
He is faithful through it all

Crown Him King forever
Crown Him King forever
Crown Him King forevermore

Mighty God in mortal flesh
Forsaken by a traitor's kiss
The curse of sin and centuries
Did pierce the lowly Prince of Peace
Lifted high, the sinless Man
Crucified, the spotless Lamb
Buried by the sons of man
But He was rescued by the Father's hand

To reign as King forever
Reign as King forever
Reign as King forevermore

King Eternal, God of Grace
We crown You with the highest praise
Heaven shouts and saints adore
You’re Holy, Holy, Holy Lord!
What joy in everlasting life
All is love and faith is sight
Justice rolls and praises rise
At the Name of Jesus Christ

King of Kings forever
King of Kings forever
King of Kings forevermore


Did you find it? It’s this line: “But He was rescued by the Father's hand”.

Christ was not rescued by the Father’s hand. No! Christ died! If He was rescued, then there would have been no death, and thus no salvation, no forgiveness, no propitiation for the sins of men!

Certainly, the Father did not rescue Him from death. As Isaiah 53:10 says:

But the LORD was pleased
To crush Him, putting Him to grief

Indeed, Christ’s death was always the Father’s plan. Acts 2:22–24 says:

“Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know--this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.”

Before the foundation of the world, God planned for Christ to be incarnated into the world, in order to die a substitutionary death for the sins of man. He was predestined to die. God the Father planned it.

Thus, it is not accurate to sing, “But He was rescued by the Father's hand.” Instead, it should be, “But He was raised up by the Father's hand.” This is exactly in line with what Acts 2:24 says: “But God raised Him up again.”

I recognize that the authors of the song probably did not intentionally make this mistake. Still, I wish they would change it.

You can purchase the song from Getty Music here.


Article Roundup: 2018.12.31


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