Weekly Roundup: Jesus and PSA, productivity, loving older saints, church unity

Jesus and PSA, sovereignty and unproductive days, loving older saints, and church unity on the commitment to the Bible.


Did Jesus Affirm Penal Substitutionary Atonement? | Bobby Scott | 9Marks

Basically, yes, He did. What an amazing Savior!

Both Jesus’ words and actions in the Garden of Gethsemane are completely shocking. The divine Son of God is seen trembling while sweating drops of blood at the prospect of drinking the cup of God. The strain on the eternal love relationship between the Father and the Son can only be attributed to that which was in the cup—the cup that the Father requires the Son to drink in full.

God’s Sovereign Plans Behind Your Most Unproductive Days | John Piper | Desiring God

I really needed this reminder.

When you read the Bible, you see in virtually every book the story of God doing things that are not the way humans would do them or want them done. God almost never takes the shortest route between point A and point B. The reason is that such efficiency — the efficiency of speed and directness — is not what he’s about. His purpose is to sanctify the traveler, not speed him between A and B. Frustrating human efficiency is one of God’s primary (I say primary, not secondary) means of sanctifying grace.

Younger Pastors and Senior Adults | Peter Bogert | For Young Pastors

I thought this was a very humble and helpful way to remind younger pastors (really, just younger Christians) how to serve and love older saints. They are treasures!

Church unity based on the commitment to the Word of God

For the Protestants, however, [Calvin] wished to make a different point: there was room for difference of theology and method as long as it was among those whose primary commitment was the Word of God. This was his application of the concept of friendship to church unity. The churches were not to be identical, but bound together by common cause and reciprocal obligations. 

- Gordon, F. Bruce, , pg. 104-105.


I read, and save, more articles that I’m able to post in the Weekly Roundup. To see all of the articles I’ve saved over the years, see my Evernote collection.


Biblical Counseling, the Hole in My Holiness


{9Marks} Pastors' Talk Episode 96: On Church Elders