Thoughts on Scripture and life
for the glory of Jesus Christ
Why Presuppositional Apologetics?
When understood and practiced rightly, presuppositional apologetics (PA) is the only apologetical framework that consistently operates under the authority and light of Scripture.
What is Presuppositional Apologetics?
Presuppositional apologetics (PA) is the apologetical framework that teaches that the biblical worldview is the only viable interpretation of reality, and thus must be presupposed (not abandoned) to answer the objections of unbelief.
What is Apologetics?
Christian apologetics is the act of defending the Christian faith as reasonable, consistent, and true.
Help Me, Lord!
In desperation, the father says to Jesus, “If you can do anything…” He just doesn’t know if Jesus can. Jesus gently rebukes him, basically answering his question with, “I can. But do you believe?” The father then replies with one of the most heart wrenching statements in the book of Mark: “I believe! Help my unbelief!” This, tragically, summarizes the Christian life.
Discipleship: Come and Die (Part 3)
Jesus is the One who denied Himself. Jesus is the One who took up His cross. Jesus is the One who followed the will of God—suffering, rejection, crucifixion—and then was raised from the dead. As disciples, all we are doing is copying Him.
Discipleship: Come and Die (Part 2)
Why would you want a lifetime of chasing after fleeting pleasure if it costs you an eternity of suffering? Why would you seek to gain the whole world and yet forfeit eternal life?
Discipleship: Come and Die (Part 1)
Jesus demands it all. He demands your entire life. “Die to yourself and your desires. Be willing to die for Me, even on a cross. Follow Me in everything, every giving up your life.”
Partakers of the First Resurrection
All the saints who died before the millennium—whether they be OT saints, church age saints, pretribulation saints, or tribulation saints—have a part in the first resurrection.
Why Does God Love Us?
The question I want to answer in this post is, “Why does God loves us?” I am speaking particularly of His fatherly love for His children, for Christians—His love that gives salvation and eternal life. Why does He love us?
The Darkness of Spiritual Depression (Psalm 42/43)
Dear discouraged soul, hope in God. Our hope is not wishful thinking, but assurance based on God’s promises. Hope that He will not abandon you in your despair. Hope that in Christ, the best is always yet to come.
Is God Enough? (Psalm 73)
If you had no intelligence, no beauty, no status, no skill, no health, no family, no friends, no money, no one to love you, no earthly pleasure, nothing, absolutely nothing but God, would He be enough?
Two Responses to Christ: Fear or Faith?
If you are a Christian, I urge you: share how God saved you—not just as an evangelistic tool, but simply because it’s a wonderful story to tell.
The King of Mercy and Might
Is your Jesus your mighty God and your merciful Savior? Or do you think there are some things in your life that are too shameful, too dirty, too bad for Him to really care about you—the real you?
Enslaved to Sin
Sin deceives us. Sin enslaves us. Sin isolates us. Sin torments us. Sin destroys us.
What Can Wash Away My Sin?
As sinners we are sick, diseased, and helpless to cleanse ourselves. Our fingers are covered with black ink; everything we touch is stained. Who will make us clean?
God's Vindication in the Book of Job
An essay on the main theme of the book of Job. (Spoiler alert: it’s not primarily about suffering!)
The Kingdom of God
God is King from eternity past to forever (Psa 29:10). He sits enthroned in the heavens (Psa 2:4) above the earth (Isa 40:22) and will reign forever and ever (Rev 22:5). However, His kingdom plan for the earth is not simply a generalized kingship in which He is sovereign over all. Rather, God’s kingdom plan is revealed in the Scriptures as a particular plan interwoven with redemptive history. God promised to establish His perfect kingdom on earth through the person and work of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that He would dwell with His people forever and ever.
Running to the Tomb
What about us? In our desire to be respectable, have we forgotten that we are a people purchased by Christ’ blood to be zealous for good deeds (Titus 2:14)? In our thirst to be accepted by the world, have we blunted the sword of the Word (Hebrews 4:12)? In our lust to be admired by the culture, have we edited God?
Alas, O Lord!
To the Lord our God belongs compassion and forgiveness
Yet we have rebelled against Him
To the Lord our God belongs perfection and holiness
Yet we have not obeyed His voice
To the Lord our God belongs justice and truth
Yet we have rejected His teachings which He set before us
Reflecting On Death During the Holidays
Surrounded by merry tunes and twinkling lights, the sadness of the season is like a bitter taste that refuses to be undone. Why do cars crush the life out of their passengers? Why do infections invade the heart and the lungs and the brain? Why do college students die with no explicable cause?