On Baptism and Church Membership (9Marks’ Pastor's Talk)

9Marks’ Pastor’s Talk is one of my favorite podcasts. Every week, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman tackle a church topic, often bringing on a guest/friend to have a conversation about the subject. The carefulness, charity, and general love that permeates this conversation is always an encouragement.

Recently they published Episode 89: “On Baptism and Church Membership”, no doubt to pair with their journal publication on Church Membership. Their guest, surprisingly, was Ligon Duncan, a well-known Presbyterian minister and committed paedobaptist — in contrast to Dever and Leeman, who are convinced credobaptists. (For what it’s worth, I’m in Dever and Leeman’s camp.)

I recommend the conversation, not only to learn what the difference between paedobaptists and credobaptists are, but to learn about the love that exists between these men who fundamentally disagree in so many ways and yet find ways to speak with equal parts of charity as well as clarity. This, truly, is a sign of the great unity Christians have in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Weekly Roundup: 2019.06.21


Weekly Roundup: 2019.06.09