Weekly Roundup: 2019.06.09

On being a faithfulness witness in the workplace, self-discipline, and why the opinion of the world matters for our testimony.


How to be a Faithful Witness in the Workplace | Carlos Chung | TMS

Sometimes as believers, we can have a martyr’s complex. We are treated harshly at work, we are not liked; we are ostracized, slandered, reviled. But the truth is, sometimes we can earn that type of response because of condescending and unpleasant attitudes, or even unreliable performance at work. Yet it is that very man who claims to be persecuted for his faith. To men like this I say, “You are not being persecuted because of your faith. You are being persecuted because of you.You are being persecuted because of who you are and how you are behaving.”

What Is Self-Discipline? | Steven Lawson | Ligonier Ministries

Recently the Lord has been bringing the topic of self-discipline to my mind in irrefutable ways. It is a wonderful, convicting, and encouraging read. This blog is called “The Art of Godliness”, and according to Lawson, the core of godliness is self-control!

If we are to exercise self-control, we must relinquish the control of our lives to Jesus Christ. Here is a paradox of the Christian life: We must give up the control of self if we would gain self-control. May God enable us to exercise self-discipline, an absolute necessity for victory over sin.

Why the Opinion of the World Matters | Brad Klassen | TMS

The devil’s methods to discredit believers in general and Christian leaders in particular cannot be underestimated. He has had thousands of years to study the hearts of men and refine the weapons he uses—which commonly include pride (see 1 Tim 3:6), wealth and success (see 1 Tim 6:9), womenand ambition.

He lays his traps with skill, and every Christian—especially those aspiring to positions of leadership within the church—must be aware of his schemes.

For more articles saved over the years, see my Evernote collection.


To despair of our unholiness is a great sign of holiness in the making. It means we are coming to the end of ourselves. We are decreasing, and he is increasing. … If we suffer, we suffer to be made like Christ. If we bear persecution, we do so to be like Christ. If we are tired, we are tired to be more like Christ. If we are insulted and condemned, we are being made like Christ. If we die, we die in Christ. If we live, we live to Christ. Make no mistake: he has declared us holy in Christ and he will make us so. He will complete the work he has begun in us (Phil 1:6).

— The Pastor’s Justification by Jared C. Wilson. Chapter 2: “The Holy Pastor”. pg. 57.


On Baptism and Church Membership (9Marks’ Pastor's Talk)


Weekly Roundup: 2019.06.01