Thoughts on Scripture and life
for the glory of Jesus Christ
How To: Find a Church Home
Recognize that this is, for now, your home away from Heaven, your spiritual family in Christ.
All Glory Be To Christ - Kings Kaleidoscope
Pleading Evangelism: The Need
I am afraid that what passes for evangelism today is really, at best, a bleached evangelism, void of the rich colors and hues of full-orbed biblical evangelism. It is cheap, mass-produced, and ineffective. And this bleached evangelism has crept into the church.
Ephesians 2:5 — The Gospel of Life
There is nothing more important than the gospel. People have been killed for believing it. And people are still being killed for it. And yes, people will continue to be killed for it. But why? ...Simple: without the message of the gospel, there is no salvation.
HeartCry Prayer Guide
I Know Thy Works, Hypocrite
Oh! believe me, hypocrisy is a losing game. It will never answer to seem one thing and be another; to have the name of Christian, and not the reality. Be sure, if your conscience smites you and condemns you in this matter — be sure your sin will find you out.
Born to Die
When Christ came into the world He says, "I did not come to make sacrifices for sin. I came to take on a body, to do God's will. I came to be the sacrifice." Jesus came to be the sacrifice for sin. The once-for-all sacrifice, the sacrifice that all of the animal sacrifices pointed to. Why did He come into the world? Why did He take on a human body? Why do we celebrate Christmas? Because Jesus came to die as the sacrifice for sin.
The Humiliation of the Incarnation
How Firm a Foundation
"Fear not!" is one of the most common commands/encouragements in the Scriptures. And overwhelmingly, it is said like this: "Fear not! Because God is with you, for you, will support you!" When there is fear of circumstance or of possible danger and uncertainty, God presents Himself as the solution. He is the remedy to faithless fear.
The Three Offices of Jesus Christ
Echo of Glory?
Ephesians 2:4 — The Love of God
We're not good. We're not cute. We're not lovable. Rather, God is good. God is glorious. And God is love. That is why He loves us.
Ephesians 2:4 — The God-Centered Gospel
God is unrelentingly God-centered. He does all things to the praise of His glory. All things — including the salvation of sinners. It is within this God-centeredness that we find assurance of the gospel of mercy and love.